Following the Mediterranean Diet Could Save You Up to $1,500 a Year, According to a New Study

Save money and improve your health with this popular eating pattern.

If you're looking to lighten the load on your wallet, reconsidering your food choices may be a solution according to a study published May 24, 2023 in the journal Nutrients. The team of researchers from the University of South Australia (UniSA) revealed that following the Mediterranean diet offers many health benefits and may save you a significant amount of money. Researchers examined the financial impact of adopting this popular diet and found that those who followed the Mediterranean diet could potentially save around $1,500 annually compared to those eating a standard Western diet. These findings highlights the economic advantages of embracing an eating pattern that emphasizes healthy fats, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes and lean proteins. Read on to discover how this dietary approach may help alleviate some financial stress while boosting your health.

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What the Study Found

To arrive at these conclusions, the UniSA research team examined the nutritional profile and weekly expenses of three diets: the Mediterranean diet, the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating (AGHE) and a typical Australian Western diet which they defined as a diet that is high in sodium, saturated fats and highly-processed food.

Participants following the Mediterranean approach experienced various health benefits and saved a considerable amount of money, saving a family of four $28 per week ($1,456 per year) compared to a standard Western diet. Furthermore, they found that the average weekly cost of the Mediterranean diet was $78 for a single person, $135 for a two-person household, $211 for a family of three and $285 for a family of four.

"Eating a balanced healthy diet doesn't have to break the bank, but eating [less nutritious] food can damage your body," UniSA's associate professor Karen Murphy said in a statement, "A $28 saving may not seem like much a week, but over a year this is nearly $1,500, which can make all the difference to your budget when times are tough."

The cost-saving aspect of the Mediterranean diet stemmed from its emphasis on whole foods and plant-based ingredients. Plus, the Mediterranean diet promotes home-cooked meals, which can result in further savings in your food budget as compared to regularly buying restaurant meals.

However, financial considerations shouldn't be your only motivation for adopting this way of eating. The Mediterranean diet is touted for its numerous health benefits, including lower risks of heart disease, stroke, obesity, diabetes and cognitive decline. According to the researchers, only 8% of Australians eat the recommended 375 grams (about 1.5 cups) of vegetables daily and the average Australian gets 35% of their daily energy from highly-processed foods high in added sugars, sodium and saturated fat.

"This research shows how a Mediterranean diet can be a cost-effective option, letting people prioritize both their health and their hip pocket," said Ella Bracci, B.A., one of the study's authors, a UniSA researcher, and Ph.D. candidate, in a statement, "To help combat [less nutritious] food choices, global agencies are increasingly endorsing plant-based diets such as the Mediterranean diet as their preferred guide to healthy eating. The Mediterranean diet encourages eating fruits and veggies, whole grains, nuts, extra virgin olive oil, seeds and seafood, and there is a view that these foods are more expensive."

The Bottom Line

A recent study out of the University of South Australia showcased the potential financial advantages of embracing the Mediterranean diet. Participants who followed this popular dietary pattern saved approximately $1,500 per year compared to those eating a typical Western diet that is high in sodium, highly-processed food and saturated fat. The cost-saving benefits are rooted in the emphasis on whole, plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Choosing these affordable and nutritious options may significantly reduce your grocery expenses while also improving your health and well-being.

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