10 Best Snacks to Buy at Walmart to Lower Blood Pressure, Recommended by a Dietitian

These heart-healthy between-meal bites satisfy any snack attack.

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is common, affecting nearly half of adults in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But, do you know what it really means? If you have hypertension, the force of blood against your artery walls is consistently too high. When left uncontrolled, this can lead to serious health problems, including heart disease and stroke, notes the CDC. It is often called the "silent killer" because high blood pressure typically has no obvious symptoms but can cause significant damage to the cardiovascular system over time.

Related: High Blood Pressure Meal Plan

The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet (aka DASH diet) is typically recommended for people who have high blood pressure. Evidence shows that following the DASH diet may help people lower their blood pressure with just diet changes alone, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

When following the DASH eating plan, it is important to choose foods that are low in saturated and trans fats, rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, fiber and protein, and lower in sodium. The American Heart Association recommends consuming no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day, with an ideal daily max of 1,500 mg for those who have high blood pressure.

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How to Pick the Best Blood-Pressure-Friendly Snacks at Walmart

Snacks can be an important part of a healthy blood-pressure-supporting diet. But snacks can also be a minefield of options that are high in sodium, sugar and unhealthy saturated fat. If you’re shopping at Walmart (or anywhere, really), here’s how to make heart-healthy choices:

Buy Snacks That Are Low in Sodium

Sodium is a mineral that is found in many of our snacks, especially super-salty options like pretzels and chips. Consuming too much salt can lead to an excess of sodium in the bloodstream, which can increase the blood volume and put more pressure on the artery walls, according to a 2021 review in the journal Nutrients. This can eventually lead to hypertension. That’s why it’s important to moderate your sodium intake. When it comes to snacks, stick to foods that contain less than 240 mg of sodium per serving.

Look for Key Micronutrients

The DASH diet emphasizes the consumption of three micronutrients: potassium, calcium and magnesium, according to the NHLBI. Here’s why: 

  • Potassium helps balance the amount of sodium in cells, reducing the harmful effects of excessive sodium levels. 
  • Calcium is crucial for regulating vascular contraction and vasodilation (narrowing and widening of the blood vessels), helping manage blood flow. 
  • Magnesium aids in the transport of calcium and potassium molecules across cell membranes, a process that is important to normal heart rhythm. 

By opting for snacks that contain at least one of these essential minerals, you may help lower your blood pressure naturally.

Search for Soluble Fiber

Soluble fiber is found in oats, beans, peas and many fruits, and it dissolves in water to form a gel-like substance. Soluble fiber has been associated with numerous health benefits, particularly for heart health. When it comes to blood pressure support, this type of fiber may help regulate body weight and decrease the risk of insulin resistance, something that harms blood vessels, notes a systematic review and meta-analysis in Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases. That research concluded that consuming soluble fiber reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, especially in those who had high blood pressure.

Related: What’s the Difference Between Insoluble and Soluble Fiber, According to a Dietitian

Prioritize Snacks Low in Saturated Fat

The DASH diet emphasizes a reduction in saturated fat to no more than 6% of daily calories, and when choosing fats, you should opt for monounsaturated oils, such as olive or canola oil. Ideally, your snack will have, at most, 2 grams of saturated fat.

The 10 Best Snacks for High Blood Pressure at Walmart

If you are a regular Walmart shopper, you may be surprised to learn that there are some delicious snack options that are satisfying, delicious, convenient and fit into a blood-pressure-friendly diet. Here are 10 of our top picks that can satisfy any snack attack.

1. Envy Apples

Envy apples are a perfect snack-time apple choice because their flesh stays white for  longer, allowing for pre-slicing with less of a risk of browning. Data published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition in 2020 suggests that eating between 100 and 150 grams per day of whole apples (about one medium apple) is associated with decreases in blood pressure. The authors attribute this effect to the combination of plant compounds, fiber and micronutrients that apples provide, all wrapped up in a fat- and sodium-free package.

2. Great Value Walnuts

Walnuts can be a great snack to enjoy on their own, or they can be a tasty addition to a yogurt parfait or a trail mix. A long-term observational study published in Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases in 2021 found that people who consumed walnuts had lower diastolic blood pressure (the second number on a blood pressure reading), waist circumference and abdominal obesity than those who did not.

3. Brainiac Brain Squeezers

Brainiac Brain Squeezers are an applesauce snack that includes 100 mg of DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids. They are also free from added sugars, sodium and artificial colors. Omega-3 fatty acids are a key nutrient that may help support healthy blood pressure, concludes 2022 data published in the Journal of the American Heart Association. That research suggests that people ideally get at least 2 grams of DHA/EPA per day for blood pressure benefits. And while these Brain Squeezers have just 100 milligrams of EPA/DHA, they’re a great way to sneak extra omega-3s into your day.

4. Second Nature Wholesome Medley

The combo of dark chocolate, almonds, peanuts, cranberries, cashews and cherries in Second Nature Wholesome Medley makes for an ideal snack for those who have high blood pressure. The dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids, particularly a type called flavanols. This plant compound may help stimulate the production of nitric oxide in the body, according to a 2021 meta-analysis in Phytotherapy Research, which helps to relax and widen blood vessels, a factor that may support healthy blood pressure. 

The combo of nuts found in this snack can be another powerful ally in controlling blood pressure, as they also provide calcium and magnesium, with just 50 grams of sodium per serving.

5. Daisy 2% Low Fat Cottage Cheese

Combining cottage cheese with some fruit and nuts can be a blood-pressure-friendly choice that provides a slew of key nutrients. One quarter-cup serving of Daisy 2% Low Fat Cottage Cheese provides about 6.5 grams of protein. And data shows that eating protein from a wide variety of sources may support healthy blood pressure levels. Being a dairy product, it is a good source of calcium, one of the key micronutrients to focus on when supporting healthy blood pressure. Cottage cheese can be high in sodium, so stick to a quarter-cup here for 175 mg of sodium, and pair it with a piece of fruit.

6. Sunsweet Amazin Prunes

Sunsweet Amazin Prunes are a lower-glycemic fruit that adds some natural sweetness to snack time. They are also a source of calcium, magnesium and potassium, while being fat-free. 

Prunes contain bioactive components that have anti-inflammatory effects, finds 2021 research in the Journal of Medicinal Foods. Chronic inflammation can be elevated when someone has high blood pressure, and studies have linked increased inflammation to higher risks of developing hypertension, notes a 2020 study in Nutrition Journal. Including foods that have anti-inflammatory effects, like prunes, can therefore be a beneficial addition to a blood-pressure-supporting diet.

7. Wilde Protein Chips - BBQ Flavor

Sneaking protein in your blood-pressure-supporting diet may help you see positive results, as results from a 2022 meta-analysis in the journal Hypertension showed that consuming a variety of dietary proteins was associated with reduced blood pressure levels. Including protein in your diet is convenient if you have Wilde Protein Chips on hand. With 10 grams of protein per serving, these chips are free from potato, instead being made from chicken breast, egg whites and bone broth. These chips also have just 1 gram of saturated fat per serving, important because people with high blood pressure should focus on following a diet lower in saturated fat.

8. Harvest Snaps Crunchy Loops

Consuming lentils and other pulses is linked to positive heart health, including better blood pressure, reports 2021 research in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. Lentils are a plant-based source of protein, low in fat and supply a natural source of potassium, all factors that support healthy blood pressure. One way to pack in more pulses is with lentil-based snacks, like Harvest Snacks Crunchy Loops. This tasty snack also packs less than 200 mg sodium per serving.

9. Rhythm Beet Chips

Beetroot is a known vasodilator, or a food that helps relax blood vessels, supporting healthy blood flow, suggests data in Nutrients in 2019. Rhythm Beet Chips are made from real beetroot, helping fuel the body with this superfood. These chips are also free from any added sugar, low in sodium and free from saturated fat.

10. Wonderful Pistachios in Shell, Roasted with No Salt

Pistachios are a heart-healthy snack, with about 90% of the fats found in pistachios being unsaturated. They also provide a good source of plant protein and fiber, for a trio of nutrients that may help keep you fuller longer. And pistachios are a natural source of magnesium and potassium, two nutrients emphasized on the DASH diet. Nuts can be high in sodium if roasted with salt, which is why we go for these Wonderful No Salt Pistachios.

Bottom Line

Walmart is packed with snack-time options that support healthy blood pressure and are delicious. Look for snacks that are lower in sodium and saturated fat, have soluble fiber and contain magnesium, potassium and/or calcium for a heart-healthy between-meal bite.

EatingWell.com, December 2023

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