The #1 Snack to Buy at Walmart for Weight Loss, According to a Dietitian

Grab this weight-loss-friendly snack the next time you hit up the Walmart superstore.

a photo of a Walmart storefront


If you are focused on managing your weight, Walmart may not be top of mind when considering where to shop for weight-loss-supporting snacks. But the superstore best known for rolling back prices has some impressive options on their grocery shelves that may help you on your weight-management journey, especially if you are a snacker. 

Read more to learn about exactly what you should look for in a weight-loss-friendly snack (and yes, taste matters!) and what our top pick is at Walmart.

How to Pick a Weight-Loss-Friendly Snack

Snacking can get a bad rap. But while it’s true that downing a bag of potato chips or a carton of ice cream between meals won’t support your weight-loss goals, eating some snacks may actually help you with weight management.

In fact, a 2023 study in the European Journal of Nutrition found that the consumption of healthful snacks may promote satiety and appetite control—factors that can support weight loss. Fruits, veggies, nuts and yogurt are all sound snack choices. When it comes to packaged snacks, there are also a surprising number of good-for-you picks. But, how exactly do you choose one? If you’re shopping for weight-loss-friendly snacks, here are some smart tips to follow.

Look for Fiber, Protein and Healthy Fat

Fiber, protein and fat contribute to feelings of satiety, shows 2018 research in Endocrinología, Diabetes y Nutrición, reducing the likelihood of overeating. Including these nutrients in your snack choice helps limit blood sugar spikes and the subsequent crash that can leave you feeling hungry shortly after snacktime. Aiming for roughly 3 grams of fiber per snack or 7 grams of protein helps keep you satiated.

Opt for Choices That Are Low in Calories

Consuming excess calories can contribute to weight gain. The exact amount of calories to aim for will vary based on your personal needs. Many people find that they’re satisfied with a snack that contains around 150 calories, though you may go for slightly larger snacks, depending on your daily calorie goal. It’s all individual. (If you have any questions about what you need, consulting a registered dietitian can help you set a daily calorie goal suited for you.)

Choose a Snack with Live Probiotics When Possible

Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are beneficial for your health, particularly for your digestive system. Often referred to as “good” or “friendly” bacteria, they assist in maintaining a natural balance of organisms in the gut. 

Often thought of as a must-have for gut health, probiotics may also impact your weight. A review featured in Nutrients in 2021 showed that consumption of certain strains of probiotic bacteria may aid in weight loss when combined with calorie reduction, increased physical activity or both. One theory is that probiotics may help combat chronic low-grade inflammation, a factor that can impact a person’s risk of developing obesity. 

Finding a snack with probiotics isn’t a must, as more data is needed to confirm the potential link between consumption of these bacteria and weight loss. But doing so comes with little risk, and it’s unlikely that eating probiotic-rich foods will work against your weight-loss goals. Consider this a bonus benefit.

Limit Added Sugars

Many snacks have sugar added to help them taste good. But that sweetness also adds empty calories to your nosh. Excess sugar consumption is linked to weight gain and obesity, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which recommends limiting added sugar consumption to 10% of your daily calories. Sweetened drinks and bakery items (think cookies and muffins) are Americans’ top two sources of added sugar, according to a 2021 Frontiers in Nutrition study. Opting for a low-sugar snack is one way to lower your consumption of the sweet stuff. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends a daily max of 6 teaspoons (25 grams) of added sugar for women and 9 teaspoon (36 grams) of added sugar for men. Check the nutrition label and aim to keep your daily added sugar under the recommended daily limit when considering your whole eating pattern.

Focus on Taste

It is unlikely that you will feel satisfied with a snack that doesn’t taste good. And feeling unsatisfied may lead to overconsumption later in the day. Because of this, it is important to find a weight-loss-friendly snack that you enjoy, even if that means that it is missing one of the key factors listed above.

The Best Snack at Walmart for Weight Loss

There’s no shortage of weight-loss-friendly snacks available at Walmart. From their impressive produce aisle to the protein-packed nuts on shelves, you can easily find something you like to munch on. 

With so many good options, it’s hard to pick the best snack available at this store for weight loss, but one that tops the list is Lifeway Kefir. 

ICYDK, kefir is a fermented dairy product, similar in taste and consistency to a drinkable yogurt, but with a higher probiotic content. Originating from Eastern Europe, it is produced by fermenting milk with kefir grains, which consist of bacteria and yeast. 

The end result is a unique, tangy beverage, packed with probiotics that support gut health. Along with probiotics, kefir checks many boxes when it comes to snacks that support weight management: It provides a source of protein and fat and has a satisfying taste. Kefir also supplies many essential nutrients, including calcium, protein and B vitamins, making it a valuable addition to a balanced diet.

Another thing kefir has going for it? It’s a dairy product, which may mean it’s even more weight-loss-friendly. People who added dairy to a calorie-restricted diet reduced their fat mass and body weight compared to a control diet, according to a meta-analysis published in 2020 in Nutrition Reviews.

The taste of Lifeway unsweetened plain kefir is a unique blend of flavors, often described as tangy, tart and mildly sour, akin to a plain drinkable yogurt. It provides a whopping 10 grams of protein and a little fat to promote satiety. Plus, it has no added sugar. And it’s a fantastic source of live probiotics too. 

If you don’t care for the slightly sour taste of unsweetened kefir, Walmart stocks blueberry, strawberry and peach varieties to satisfy your taste buds. While these options do contain some added sugars, the amount is far less than many drinkable yogurts or sweetened yogurt options on the market. You can also add some flavor by combining fruit with unsweetened kefir in a blender, like in this Berry-Kefir Smoothie.

Bottom Line

There are many weight-loss-supporting snacks available at Walmart. Among the many fantastic choices out there, Lifeway Kefir tops the list as a convenient, delicious and protein- and probiotic-packed option. Just remember, eating one food won’t result in dramatic weight loss—it’s your overall diet that matters most. Adequate sleep, stress reduction and physical activity are also important for weight loss., November 2023

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